I haven’t had much time for blogging these days. Hopefully I’ll be more regular soon. (I keep saying that!)
Well, I’ve had a new addition in the virtual kitchen corner of my computer – Hannah’s Mission: Impossible Pies EBook.
I’ve been telling myself that I need to buy this for a while now and I finally bought it! I’ve only tried one of the pies so far and I am well pleased with it. Pumpkin Pie. I did make a few changes to the recipe but too minimal to post here. I also added raisins and some chopped almonds. It was nice with a mug of hot chocolate!
I’ve been looking at that ebook and debating whether to buy it…that pumpkin pie is seriously convincing me!!!
Hi. I made the 3am curry pies. Delicious. I served them with some tamarind dipping sauce I made. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
oh my gosh – this looks soooooo delicious! i’ve been thinking about buying Hannah’s ebook – i think i might have to now! awesome! 😀
I bought both of the e-books last night. The recipes look awesome.
It looks seriously yummy!
What tasty additions- I’m so glad you’re enjoying the ebook! 🙂
Mmmm, that pie looks delicious!!
I bought that ebook too but haven’t had a chance to make any of the recipes yet. Your pie looks wonderful.
Pumpkin is always tasty. I can really imagine what it taste like with coffee. 🙂
That pie looks so pretty – Glad to see you’re back, Lovlie!
Thank you so much for all your comments. I’ve only tried one recipe so far from the ebook but they are all worth trying!
Hannah, thanks for coming by! You’re one talented little lady!
The coconut pie is next on my list to try!
This’d be great with some homemade vegan ice cream – very simple using cashew nuts as a base and sweetening with fresh dates and vanilla 🙂
Thanks for your passion.