Carried away into this gentle sea of loops, crocheting has now become more than a hobby — it’s my meditation. If patience comes to your mind upon seeing any work of crochet (or knit) then I think naught but the sheer joy I derive from every loop made. Isn’t it amazing how a single strand can be transformed into pretty much any shape you can think of? Time, on the other hand, is definitely a required factor. Back in November last year, I bravely started on this throw — my largest crochet project to date — after getting a bargain mega big ball of blue yarn for $6 at Giant Tiger. Had I worked on this throw more steadily, I’d probably have finished it by mid-winter with enough of the season left to be wrapped in its warmth. But my flirtatious nature with my various hobby interests, leaves me with no desire of any kind to settle for one; consequently the throw only got completed a few days ago.
I used my own pattern throughout — a simple half double crochet and one chain. For the granny square border on the two ends, I followed this basic granny square pattern but started with the magic ring (instead of the chain) and used half-double crochet instead of treble crochet as indicated in the pattern.
Would I dare say I can’t wait for winter, probably not. But I sure am going to enjoy the warmth of this throw with a good book and hot chocolate next winter.
Well, I intended to leave a comment but accidentally sent a message instead. Love the colors and pattern of the throw!
I got your message. 🙂 Crochet takes time but the result is so rewarding. I usually crochet for an hour or so while I am already in bed until I fall asleep. I'd love to see some of your crochet projects too!
Beautiful work! Nice colors and great texturing. I too love crochet and have always considered it a kind of meditation. One that results in something beautiful AND useful! Now I need to try some of your recipes. Thanks for your great blog! Note–I'm only signing this as anonymous because I can't figure out the profile thing. I usually go by Bubbagoose…