Chinese is one of the very many cuisine that I like. I particularly love stir fries as they’re so quick and easy to make. Just toss in any veggies I have at hand, my favourite sauce, stir and it’s done. Stir fries used to be a regular dinner meal I used to have (in my London days) when I was coming back from overtime work at 9pm! And leftovers were always nice for my lunch the next day.
Stir fries can go with noodles, rice or just on their own (like I tend to do) when I want a light meal.
Tofu used to be part of the ingredients I would incorporate in stir fries until I discovered my soy intolerance! So I eliminated them. So now my stir fries are just veggies. I try to add bean sprouts and mushrooms whenever I can to add a bit of protein to the meal.
I never measure the quantity I use for stir fries; I just toss in everything in a wok. And it’s never the same twice but always tasty!
The ingredients that I usually use are carrots, mushrooms, baby corn, bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, mange-tout, any Chinese greens like bok choi, spring onions, water chestnuts to mention some.
As carrots take the longest to cook, I usually add them first in a wok with a little oil or margarine or sometimes just water. Then I add the rest of the ingredients keeping the bean sprouts, greens, mange-tout and spring onions for last.
My favourite sauces are either black bean or hoisin which I add to the vegetables while stirring. Plum sauce sometimes provides a little sweetness (that I like from time to time) to the sauce. I also add in 1-2 tablespoons of potato flour or cornstarch mixed with a little water and allow the sauce to thicken.
One thing that I once tried was to cut (using kitchen scissors) thin slices of Nori from a Nori sheet and add them on just before serving. I quite like the ‘fishy’ taste and fragrance it gives to the dish!
It looks great! And it is really a way to eat a lot of vegetables prepared in a very short time… The idea of the nori to top the stir-fry is great!
Mmmm – looks lovely! I like a little plum sauce on my stir-frys too, but hoisin sauce is my absolute favourite!
Wow what a wonderful site! I am so glad I found you…or you found me!<BR/><BR/>If you get a chance and want to email a list of all your favorite recipes I am always looking for healthy recipes to link to. You can always add your links to the comments on my site if I am talking about a particular food, that is my ultimate goal so feel free to send your fellow health foodies my way!<BR/><BR/>Keep
I need to get out my wok. That looks awesome!
alice (in veganland): stir fry is the best quick and healthy meal I think! Try the nori with it, it’s great!<BR/><BR/>dj: hoisin is so nice and I use it in so many things.<BR/><BR/>dr. nicole: Thanks for your comments. Your blog is very informative. Thanks for suggesting to link to my recipes. I sure will do whenever I come across something relevant on your blog. <BR/><BR/>mihl: Sometimes after
that looks so delish! yum!