I have tried to find an English translation for this local fruit that we get over here in Mauritius but I haven’t been able to find anything. Apparently the Pomme Citère is from Indo-Malaysian origin. It is about the size of a passion fruit with a whitish flesh turning more yellowy when ripe. It has a lovely fragrance. The only annoying thing is the fibrous centre. The Pomme Citère is more commonly made into pickles.
My mum tried this chutney the other day and we all fell in love with it!
If you can’t find any Pomme Citère, then semi-ripe mangoes can also be used although the taste won’t be quite the same.
The first time Mum made this, she used green Pommes Citère. Then she tried ripe ones and I much prefer chutney made with the ripe ones; it has a nicer fragrance and is much tastier.
2 green/semi-ripe Pommes Citère
1 green apple
1 garlic clove
2-3 green chilies
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon unrefined sugar
5-6 tablespoons (or more) water for blending
- Peel the Pommes Citère. Remove the flesh by cutting small pieces away until you reach the fibrous centre part.
- Cut the apple into small pieces. (Do not peel).
- Place all ingredients in a blender and grind until a smooth paste is obtained.
This can be used as a dipping sauce with your favourite snacks, accompaniment with a main dish or even spread on sandwiches/bread.
In St. Vincent this fruit is called "Golden Apple"